
Build faith.

Find hope.

Know love.

Home Aweigh Acres is a sanctuary for youth and families to build faith, find hope, and ​know love through meaningful mentoring in a serene setting that feels like home.


The Values that define us

Vision Statement

Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto ​me and forbid them not, for of such is the ​Kingdom of God.”

Home Aweigh Acres aims to create a stable, lovin​g environment that points people to Jesus, the s​ource of healing, strength, and peace.

Community Impact

We are committed to being “the light of the ​world, a city on a hill.” As we walk alongside ​kids, teens, and families through life’s struggles, ​we know that the light of Jesus will shine

brighter in the communities around us.


We love because God first loved us. Let all that ​we do be done in love.


We value sincerity and honesty and believe that​ a sincere heart is the key to building trust and​ healthy relationships.​

Grace Always

Freely we’ve received grace. Freely we give it.​


Compassion is the cornerstone of Home ​Aweigh Acres. Having compassion, we make

a difference.


Two are better than ​one. We appreciate ​the diverse gifts and ​talents given to us. So ​we use those gifts ​encouraging one ​another to love and ​good works. Iron ​sharpens iron.

Do you know someone (maybe yourself) who…



Are Convinced


Why can’t I stop doing this?

Nobody cares.


Will I ever be loved?

No one listens.


Is anyone listening?

I don’t matter.


Does anyone care?

I don’t fit in.


Why am I not good enough?

I can’t do anything right.


Will I ever make it?

I can’t stop.


Where is God?

It doesn’t matter how hard I try.


Why did this happen to me?

I’ll never be good enough.,


Why did he/she leave?

Things will never change.


Is it even worth it?

No one loves me.


Would the world be better off ​without me?

There is no hope.


Will things ever change?

I’ll never be loved.

Home Aweigh Acres

can help with:

• Mentoring

1:1, Sma​ll Group, Large Group,

E​m​ergency De-escalation

• Daily Living Skills Training

• Social Skill Development Outings

• Community Service Projects

• Health & Wellness Support

• Pre-vocational Training

Coming Soon

• Homework Support

Coming Soon


What we get to do

Home Aweigh Acres provides a safe, nurturing environment for kids and families to develop healthy relationships and life skills. We use ​our faith, our horses, our hearts and our collective lived experiences to connect with participants who have had any number of Adverse ​Childhood Experiences (ACEs). It is the goal of our trained staff and mentors to help kids through the healing process using the strength ​of horses and the power of God, thus reducing the risk of continuing the cycles of abuse and/or unhealthy habits.


Grateful to our Partne​rs

We treasure the relationships that have helped us get so far

in such a short time. Thank you for your generous support!

Mike’s Electric


Additionally, Home Aweigh Acres would like to thank the many parents and

friends of the organization for your generous contributions, both monetary

and in-kind, that have helped us provide summer camps and sessions for

the kids we serve. Your generosity has made an immeasurable difference!

Home Aweigh Acres Corporation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax-deductible.


Get and stay in touch


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Contact us to volunteer or to

support this important work.

Home Aweigh Acres Corporation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

All contributions are tax-deductible.




(920) 207-228​7